Contact us

We’d Love to hear from you!

Restaurant Address:
1074 Budapest, Dohány u. 40

Open daily: 12.00 – 23.30

Cari ospiti!

Dear guests!

Kedves vendégeink!

Orari di apertura festive:  

Festive opening hours are:  

Ünnepi nyitva tartásunk:

24-25 DICEMBRE: Chiuso 

December 24-25: Closed  

December 24-25: Zárva

Buon Natale!

Merry Christmas!

Boldog Karácsonyt!

We accept arrivals until 22:30.

Table Reservations:
+36 1 354 07 88


Dear Guests!

Please send your intention to reserve a table by filling out the form at least one day before your planned arrival.

Filling out the form only with the confirmation letter is considered a table reservation!

Please notify us by phone of your intention to reserve a table on the day of your arrival.